Supply Decay

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Currently VGN only

If the rule is active, it is possible to lose some general supply each turn in each region and in the supply stock of each element. The rule to activate for this feature is rulSupplyDecay (this rule can be changed on a per scenario basis using the script command ChangeGameRules and the keyword SupplyDecay as a parameter).

If the rule is not active and the supply is in advanced mode (rulSupply = 2) then Supply Spoilage will take place instead. Supply spoilage is a simple rule existing since AACW where there is a loss in supply in each city, depending of the amount stocked and the structures presents.

Supply Decay on the other hand is much more complex and is aimed at representing also the loss of supply because of harsh climate. The decay can also be present within each element supply stock, and without some special abilities or attributes, crossing large expenses of jungle territory will prove very deadly to troops for example.

It will also prevent the concentration of large body of troops in territories which are not developed properly.

By itself the rule doesn’t impact damages to troops, but as they will have their supply destroyed, they will begin to starve.

Starvation is magnified by a pillaged region (+20%) ,harsh weather (+25%) or very harsh weather (+50%) also.


Safe Supply Limit

Each region has during hosting a Safe Supply Limit (SSL) calculated. Under this level of supply, no decay or a minimum of decay happens.

SSL takes into account:

  • If the region is a land or water region.
  • Level of development of the region.
  • If no nation has a Dominion or better colonial status in the region, the sum of Colonial Penetration of non enemy factions. Any CP missing under 100 is a small penalty.

All structures raise the SSL by their SupplyWant time a coefficient, with the notable exception of the city. All factions not enemy to the city owner get a SSL bonus in ratio to the total population of the region, in ratio to development level. i.e if there is 50 population in a 50% dev region then population gives +25 SSL.

Harsh, very harsh and pillaged conditions reduce SSL.

Default variables values

  • supSSLLandBase = 5 // Base supply free of any decay
  • supSSLNavBase = 1000 // Base supply free of any decay, water region
  • supSSLPerDevH = 200 // Each dev level gives this #of hundredth SSL (200 = 2 pts per dev)
  • supSSLLostCPUnder100H = -100 // Each CP under 100 removes this #of hundredth SSL (100 = -1 SSL per pt under 100)
  • supSSLNatSelf = 5000 // Bonus in SSL if region has a National Status for us
  • supSSLIfNatNotEnemy = 500 // Same but the region is a national status region for a faction which is not our enemy
  • supSSLPerStrucWantH = 500 // Each structure supply want adds this value (in hundredth of SSL), 500 = 5 per supply want
  • supSSLModHarsh = -40 // -40 to SSL if weather is harsh
  • supSSLModVHarsh = -80 // Same for very harsh
  • supSSLModPillaged = -80 // pillaged
  • supSSLPerPopH = 100 // Each point of pop in a 100% dev adds this value in hundredth of SSL, in ratio to dev
  • supSSLMinimum = 5 // End minimum is 5 SSL

SSL is further modified by the Faction Modifier (FM) of the faction (present as Faction Modifiers Set). This FM can be used for this purpose: fmdSSLSupplyCoeff. If its value is 5, then the SSL is 105% of normal, and so on.


Example 1 

An almost terra incognita region : at most 10 CP, no dev level, no structure and only 5 points of pop  and weather is currently 
harsh (say it is monsoon right now):
* Base is 5
* 10 CP means a penalty of 90 to SSL
* No dev level, no bonus thus
* 5 SSL from the pop
* Harsh penalty: -40
= We stay at the bare minimum (5).

Example 2

Tripolitania in 1850: Total CP is 55, mostly from some Italian missions, dev level is 25, total population is 50, weather is 
currently normal (Steppe if fair weather), no city but a level 1 harbor
* Base is 5
* Dev level gives +50
* CP removes 55
* Population adds up 13 (50 pop in a 25 dev region gives +13 bonus)
* Harbor gives 20 (Supply Want of 4 x5 for the coefficient to this value, so 20)
= Total 33
   It is possible to maintain one European sized corps here, with just a few decay to supply each turn.

Supply Decay Percentage

Once the SSL is known for a given faction (it can varies slightly on a per faction basis, because of FMS), then we determine the % of decay each supply possessed (not just above the limit*) in the region by the faction will risk.

       *: Done so to prevent exploits, but the starting decay % are lower to compensate.

The base decay chance (or lack of) is given by supBaseDecayPerc = 25. The increment in decay is using supIncDecayPerc = 10. An example will explain how the system works.

If the SSL is 200 and the total  supply owned by us + non enemy faction is 900, then:
* 700 supply is in excess. We are in excess, so the decay starts at the base %, 25%
* We reduce the perceived excess supply by the SSL, so perceived excess is now 500. We raise the decay by 10%, to 35%
* We reduce the perceived excess supply by twice the  SSL, so perceived excess is now 100. We raise the decay by 10%, to 45%.
* Perceived excess is under thrice SSL, so no the decay % is not further increased.
* Then, we change this decay % in ratio to what the faction really possesses in the region. If there is a total of 1200 supply 
     in the region but the faction itself only have 300 supplies, then the final % is 45 * 300/1200 = 11.25%
= This % is applied to all 300 supplies though; so on average 40 supplies will be lost.
     The decay % is bounded between 0 and 90% in any case (supMinDecayPerc, supMaxDecayPerc).

Decay tests

Decay of supply is done for each element separately and is also done for the supply presents in the structures (all supply is held by the Exclusive Structure Owner).

A supply will decay if it fails a supply decay test (% Dice equals or under the Decay %) and the various protection chances fails. A supply can get prevented from decaying if some leaders or elements have abilities preventing decay.

If all the tests fails, then supply decays (Supply is lost). The test is done for each supply point born by each element in the region.

Ability Class and Attributes affecting Supply Decay

The ability class Attrition is used to reduce troop attrition in foul weather. It is also extended to supports parameters allowing the prevention of decay.

If the ability is set at the leader level, restrictions on area and terrains can be done.

If at the group or unit level, restrictions on terrains can be done (i.e only prevent decay if in forest & jungle).

If there is a need to have a protection mechanism at the Self (element) level, then we use instead the attribute *SupplyDecayProtect*. (The ability does not works at the element level.)
