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Rule of engagement

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This article explains the influence of combat postures on battle outcome. The relevant data can usually by found in the GameLogic.opt file in the \Settings folder of your game.


RoE Modifiers on combat

The different columns indicate the rounds of battle (1-6), whereas the lines are self explanatory.

Offensive Posture - First ROE (All-out attack)

  • roeRetreatWill0 = 000|000|080|090|100|100
  • roeRetreatChance0 = 000|000|060|065|070|075
  • roeCombatCoeffOwn0 = 135|135|130|125|120|115
  • roeCombatCoeffOpp0 = 150|150|150|145|140|135

Offensive Posture - Second ROE (Standard attack)

  • roeRetreatWill1 = 100|100|100|100|100|100
  • roeRetreatChance1 = 100|150|150|150|150|150
  • roeCombatCoeffOwn1 = 100|100|100|100|100|100
  • roeCombatCoeffOpp1 = 100|100|100|100|100|100

Offensive Posture - Third ROE (Conservative attack)

  • roeRetreatWill2 = 100|100|150|150|150|150
  • roeRetreatChance2 = 100|150|150|150|150|150
  • roeCombatCoeffOwn2 = 100|100|070|070|070|070
  • roeCombatCoeffOpp2 = 100|100|070|070|070|070

Offensive Posture - Fourth ROE (Feint attack)

  • roeRetreatWill3 = 100|200|200|300|300|300
  • roeRetreatChance3 = 100|150|150|150|150|150
  • roeCombatCoeffOwn3 = 100|040|040|040|040|040
  • roeCombatCoeffOpp3 = 100|040|040|040|040|040

Defensive Posture - First ROE (Defend at all cost)

  • roeRetreatWill4 = 000|000|000|000|000|000
  • roeRetreatChance4 = 000|000|000|000|000|000
  • roeCombatCoeffOwn4 = 110|110|110|110|110|110
  • roeCombatCoeffOpp4 = 110|110|110|110|110|110

Defensive Posture - Second ROE (Standard defense)

  • roeRetreatWill5 = 100|100|100|100|100|100
  • roeRetreatChance5 = 100|150|150|150|150|150
  • roeCombatCoeffOwn5 = 100|100|100|100|100|100
  • roeCombatCoeffOpp5 = 100|100|100|100|100|100

Defensive Posture - Third ROE (Defend & Retreat)

  • roeRetreatWill6 = 100|100|150|150|150|150
  • roeRetreatChance6 = 100|150|150|150|150|150

ÜroeCombatCoeffOwn6 = 100|100|100|100|100|100

  • roeCombatCoeffOpp6 = 100|100|100|100|100|100

Defensive Posture - Fourth ROE (Retreat if engaged)

  • roeRetreatWill7 = 200|200|200|300|300|300
  • roeRetreatChance7 = 100|150|150|150|150|150
  • roeCombatCoeffOwn7 = 100|100|100|100|100|100
  • roeCombatCoeffOpp7 = 100|100|100|100|100|100

Pocus' notes:

The first column is for the first round, if retreat succeed, then no battle occurs, as the retreat is checked before the start of each (new) round. The retreat will used will be the one given by the region CiC's ROE, so a group with an all out attack can thus be obliged to retreat because of the CiC want to do so - in this case, the retreatchance of the group will be used, not the CiC one though (this is why it is important to set the correct retreat chance even if the retreat will is 0).
