Pillage and Raid

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Cutting the enemy’s supply lines and destroying his infrastructure is an important part of military operations.

You can set the desired behavior of your forces as follows:

  • Your forces will automatically capture any supply stockpiles from enemy structures which fell into their hands during movement. They will first replenish their own supply reserves, the remaining supplies stay on map and change ownership. Structures also remain intact and change hands.
  • Forces assigned the “evade fight” special order will burn all supply stockpiles in their path except in their destination region. Structures remain unharmed and simply change hands.
  • To destroy a depot or fort, a force must start its move in the target region and use the “destroy depot” and/or “destroy fort” special order. This will take some time and will be resolved before any planned movement.
  • Indians and raiders are special units identified by their “*pillage*” model attribute. They destroy all structures NOT defined by the parameter PillagerCanCapture = 1.
  • The probability of successfully carrying out such operations depends on the pillage value of the force, or if the force contains elements with the *Pillage* Attribute.
  • Last but not least, in Advanced supply games, marauding raiders block supply transport through the region they are located in.

See also SetScorchEarthInfos
