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EvalDiploItem = <TargetFactionTag>; <DI_Alias> [;<NOT>] [;<Since TurnsNumber>]


Evaluates for the existance of a Diplomatic Item between the currently selected faction and the target faction.


EvalDiploItem = AUS;$diAllianceTreaty;NOT
There is no alliance between current faction and Austria.

EvalDiploItem = AUS;$diAllianceTreaty;Since 3
There is an alliance since at least 3 turns between
  current faction and Austria.

EvalDiploItem = AUS;$diAllianceTreaty;NOT;Since 3
There is no alliance between current faction and Austria
  (or there is one, but only for 1-2 turns).




Valid FactionTag of the targeted faction


Valid Alias of a Diplomatic Item


Reverses logic

"True" if the Diplomatic Item is not in effect
[<Since TurnsNumber>]

Literal with a positive integer.

Number of turns with the Diplomatic item present (or absent if NOT parameter in effect)