Strategic Command War in Europe

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Re: Strategic Command War in Europe

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Re: Strategic Command War in Europe

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Re: Strategic Command War in Europe

Message par Lafrite »

ça bouge toujours, derniers équilibrages à la mode :yho:
Spoiler : :
Hi everyone,

we've just released a new update for the game, with a lot of balancing tweaks and bug fixes, here is the changelog:

Fixed a SURRENDER_2 error that did not properly fire FREE_UNIT events (Lothos).
Fixed a resource strength display error when using the 'Show Upgradeable Units/Resources' option for ports that have the possibility of Naval Construction being applied (Mithrilotter).
Fixed a 'range' determination error for range checks at sea that did not properly take into some rare coastal formations (Bill R.).
Fixed an in game interface crash when navigating from the Production screen to the Purchase screen during a specific mouse click sequence (El Condoro).
Fixed a unit attrition loss error when units have been set to no action points, e.g. no attrition was calculated for these unit types such as pill boxes (gigiduru).
Fixed an issue with the PBEM autosave saving right after your opponents replay, and increased the time slightly between autosaves as well (MJY).
Fixed an issue where an Engineer that was preparing a fortification, that then Operated to protect a capital, did not lose its fortification preparation status (FOARP).
Fixed capital transfer issue (Zuxius).
Fixed a movement path calculation error when mulitple high penalty zones of control are in play (MrOrange).
Fixed a VICTORY screen issue when the message was too long to fit (rhaltigan).
Fixed a max zoom refresh error when switching from scenarios to a main campaign and vice versa (abchambe).
Fixed a SAVE GAME screen issue where selecting the second page of saves would overwrite the the potential save 'file name' with the first selection on the second screen (achambe).
Fixed a Motor Torpedo Boat reinforcement error that allowed it to reinforce > 5 at understrength ports (Tigertony).
Added a SCORECARD which can be accessed using the 'L' key to view the campaign summaries. The scorecard will also appear after the VICTORY screen at the end of a game.
Added ultra widescreen support for 21:9 and 32:9 resolutions such as 3840x1440 and 5120x1440.
Coastal Guns will now exert a zone of control not only on land hexes, but over sea hexes as well (Elessar2).
HQs with the highest rating will try and attach to the most units possible superceding other HQs when in 'Auto' (Mithrilotter).
Subs in Silent mode no longer spot along their movement path, only their from their final moved to position.
Partisans no longer suffer any possible attrition as their minimum supply should always be >= 3 (Mithrilotter).
Turn counter added as a tool tip highlight if you mouse hover over the in game date in the upper right hand corner (Simicro).
Victory scripts connected to dummy Decision events set to Type= 2 should now fire as intended (Mithrilotter).
Paratroops can no longer prepare if they have 0 action points.
Amphibious Transports can no longer unload from a neutral sea coastal hex.
Interceptors that receive attacks from an escort will no longer suffer morale loss from the attacking Escort, e.g. even if Fighters are set to inflict morale losses on defenders (Lothos).
Abandoned port control with an adjacent enemy unit will flip to enemy control at the end of your turn, e.g. previously it would flip end of the follow up enemy turn (Mithrilotter).
Defending Carriers that already start at 0 strength for their aircraft wing will no longer report 'shattered' when attacked, e.g. if they were to take further damage to their aircraft wing (rjh1971).
AI planning and organization optimized/fixed for OFFENSIVE, DEFENSIVE, TRANSPORT and AMPHIBIOUS TRANSPORT plans.
AI Maritime Bombers now fly recon missions at sea if they do not have a visible target to engage (Mithrilotter).
AI Kamikazes no longer target subs.
AI Kamikazes and Maritime Bombers will now try and stay within 3 hexes of the coastline.
AI Kamikazes and Maritime Bombers will now do a better job of moving towards and focusing on naval targets if applicable.
AI Carriers will no longer prioritize subs in first strike attacks, but may target a sub if it has been already attacked by other units or if it can be potentially destroyed.
AI Subs in Silent mode will no longer be affected by enemy naval unit Zone of Control.
AI naval units that pass through enemy units and take damage will now temporarily reveal itself when taking damage (Mithrilotter).
AI air and naval will no longer attack/prioritize empty enemy resources on the very first turn of the game unless it is a mine or oil resource.
AI air and naval units will be much less likely to attack an enemy resource unless the attacking unit has a resource attack value > 0.
AI Destroyers and Motor Torpedo Boats should no longer attempt to shore bombard land units (Mithrilotter).
Airfields can now be set as an ADVANCED campaign option where air units can only operate to and from AIRFIELD or adjacent to AIRFIELD hexes.
Airfields provide supply to both land and air units.
Air units can operate to airfields even if the 'Airfields' option is not selected.
OFFENSIVE, AMPHIBIOUS and AMPHIBIOUS MINOR events can now all be scripted to target airfields.
UNIT scripts can now be set to deploy units at airfields, e.g. the same as cities, capitals etc.
Production/Deployment Queue now includes 'Airfields' as destinations for air units.

UNIT script #FULL_RESEARCH= 0 or 1 line can now also contain the optional line #FULL_RESEARCH= x.x.x where each 'x' represents the desired research level the unit is to arrive with, e.g. #FULL_RESEARCH= 2.3.4
FLEET, AMPHIBIOUS, AMPHIBIOUS_MINOR, TRANSPORT, TRANSPORT_MINOR plans all now support the use of [<] and <unit_id, unit_id,...> for #ACTIVATION_POSITION. See the header notes for each script type for more information
Fixed a Diplomacy 'Apply Data' error that did not properly set itself to the currently selected country (Lothos).
All AI scripts that have an #ACTIVATE_POSITION field, now make use of [<] as well as <unit_id, ...>. See Templates\AI for more details in the NOTES section of the header of the applicable files.
All AI scripts can now have an optional #ALIGNMENT_POSITION field added. See Templates\Events for more details in the NOTES section of the header of of the applicable files.
Added new functionality for any EVENT script that uses the #CONDITION_POSITION field, e.g. the use of [<] as well as <unit_id, ...>. See Templates\Events for more details in the NOTES section of the header of the applicable files.
MOBILIZATION_1 and MOBILIZATION_4 events have added functionality for the #CONDITION field, see the applicable Templates\Events files for more details in the NOTES section of the header for these files.
Enabled the options to edit the Resource attack/defence research upgrade increments for Fighters (Lothos).

All Campaigns
Increased Tanks retreat range from 1 to 2 hexes.
Fighters Bomber and Strategic Bomber defence upgrades with Advanced Fighters increased from 0.5 to 1 per level.
AA upgrades on AA units now increase their factors by 1 rather than 1.5 per level.
Airships and Maritime Bombers Naval Spotting now only increases by 1 per level of Long Range.
Fighters no longer have land spotting increases with long range air.
The Strike Range of Strategic Bombers and the Escort Range of Fighters will now rise by 2 per level of Long Range Aircraft research.
Increased the effect of Naval Zones of Control and also moved Subs to being a Support Unit so that only 2 Subs together will exert a Zone of Control (redrum68).
Increased all surface vessels retreat range apart from MTBs to 4 hexes, and increased the chance of both types of Carrier retreating to 100%. All types of transport now also have higher retreat chances and distances.
Reduced the cost of Soviet Advanced Fighters research from 175 to 150 MPPs (OldCrowBalthazor).
Heavy Bomber research is now capped at 1 chit.
Strategic Bombers base resource attack values decreased by 1.
Removed all Allied Variable Conditions from the Volkssturm and Volksgrenadier Decisions 607 and 608 (petedalby; HarrySmith).
Offsets have been used to make hex 174,103 north-west of Naples better appear as a clear hex (klschult).
Some National Morale script headings amended (DarkHorse2).
Convoys from both North and South America can now travel to Dundee if alternative destinations in the UK are invalid (Szenser).
Corrected the text for French National Morale dropping if the Allies declare war on Switzerland (DarkHorse2).

1939 Storm over Europe
Soviet paratroops can no longer upgrade to level 3 infantry weapons (Duedman).
Fixed the description for the Unit script DE 601 - Garrison Unit In Copenhagen (DarkHorse2).
Fixed the description for the Territory script relating to DE 354 (DarkHorse2).
Amended the text for the Mobilization_1 script Axis DoW On Lithuania (DarkHorse2).

1939 Storm over Europe & 1940 Attack in the West
The presence of more than 12 units within 10 hexes of Bac u now increases Soviet Mobilization in the same way that having more than 18 units within 10 hexes of Warsaw does (OldCrowBalthazor; papa bear).
Italian mobilisation in response to Allied invasion now also provides them with an AA unit at Naples, while their National Morale boost has been increased from 2,000 to 3,500 points and the earliest the Western Defence Force can deploy in Egypt has been changed from the 1st January 1940 to the 1st May 1940. Finally, Spain s mobilization should the Allies prepare to invade Italy has increased from 5-12% to 10-25%, and the US s from 5-12% to 5-15% (havoc1371).
Fixed the Belligerence script #NAME= Italy Declares War On The Allies (France) (DarkHorse2).
Reworked the triggering of the Soviet Winter event hitting Axis forces in the USSR so that its occurring will be less predictable (MoongazerSlitherineSSL; redrum68).
Corrected the Alignment Position in the National Morale script AXIS AI: France - Germans Near Paris Additional Morale Loss Helper (DarkHorse2).

1939 - 1942 Campaigns
The German Decision to occupy Vichy France (DE 637 and DE 638) and Tunisia (DE 639 and DE 640) will now only fire if British or US land forces are present in Algeria. Previously air units counted, but they no longer do (HvS).

1942 - 1944 Campaigns
Added a section on Leningrad s Road of Life to the Strategy Guides (Duedman; El_Condoro).

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